Saturday 31 January 2015


Guys I finally have my own place. This was yesterday during the day/last night, at a place I now call home, where one of my favourite people in the world took some snaps of me celebrating starting a new chapter.

I am absolutely in love with it.

If you ever find yourself wondering. Go back to where you're from. Go there and then let go.
Go there, and then find your heart a new home.

I love you my Sixolisiwe. Thank you for doing this with and for me.

Chaa-w for now.

Sunday 25 January 2015


*Text conversation between my mother and I this afternoon

Me: *sends pic of me wearing the dress below to my mom*  "Is this too revealing-the slit- mommy?"
Mom: "yhaaa a little bit"
Me: "But you said I mustn't be too conservative"
Mom: *first texts* "For fashion purposes it's ok"
Mom: "Not something u will show up in at a wedding, going alone"
Mom: "Clothes have an accent"
Me: You're right, good idea.

So momma got me thinking I need a date. As in on the calendar. I need a date and an occasion. 
She also reminded me I used to love planning outfits in advance. So I spent the evening putting together the looks below, DIYing chokers and changing skirts into dresses,
 just incase a date comes along (on the calendar, with an occasion).

Flower choker: DIY

Date night

Choker: DIY 

P.S. Thank you for inspiring this post my momma. 

Chaa-w for now. 

Monday 19 January 2015


Dark skinned girl you are the moon's lining.
You are. 
So the moon exists.
Look at your eyes and your skin, decorated by the stars.

The moon's lining. Keeper of the sun.

I tend to love too much. And lately I've been loving the moon and the night sky and accesories  resembling the moon on my dark skin that resembles the night sky.

Blue moon.

 Chaa-w for now.

Saturday 17 January 2015


I have been putting this off for WAAAAAY too long. And I have run out of excuses. I am doing it. AND I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED.

CHAA, pronounced "chaa", as in do the "cha cha cha-cha-cha", but now drag the "aa", acronym for "clothes have an accent" HAS been cooking in my head for sooooooooo long.

So I want it to be about my personal style, and how much my clothes influence who I am, who I would like to be, and who the rest of the world thinks I am (no matter how much I try not to care, I do).
I ONLY HAVE ONE RULE, and as much as there may be exceptions to this one, I WILL ALWAYS TRY TO REMAIN TRUE TO MYSELF, SO I WILL NEVER MENTION THE BRAND/LABEL I'M SPORTING. That to me DOES NOT MATTER. AND it really would defeat the purpose of why I think clothes speak for themselves. It will never be about that, rather I AM ABOUT THE STORY/MOOD/FEELING(I feel a lot) told by the outfits I put together.

It really always boils down to what you're wearing. And if it didn't, I would leave and move to a world where people spend their days articulating themselves through beautiful clothes and shoes and and and.... *accessory AKA "fullstop" *

Chaa-w for now.